Meet VAIBHAV BHARADWAJ, A self taught Illustrator, An expert in Art Direction and Visual Design, A designer by hands, An artist by heart and a creator by soul, Worked with renowned companies like Audi, Mercedes, Nestle, Nokia and so on, Co-founder, Pickxelslab

Activity: Watch, Write and POST

Q1. What are the Live Graphic Novels according to the Titan?

Q2. What are the different scopes mentioned by the Titan?

Q3. What inspired you in this Titan Talk?

You can learn more about VAIBHAV BHARDWAJ, his work, his achievements, his love for Illustration, Design and much more here



Meet PAVAN RAJURKAR, an Illustrator, an NID Alumnus, A Design Geek, Featured in Lürzer's Archive’s 200 Best Illustrators worldwide, 2016, Contributor Illustrator for Planet or Plastic Campaign, National Geography, Abu Dhabi, Featured in Magazines like Platform Magazine, Creative Gaga, Worked for various brands and agencies such as JWT, Interface, RK Swamy BBDO, DDB Mudra, Radio Mirchi, Google and so on

Activity: Watch, Write and POST

Q1. What are the two things essentially required to be an illustrator according to the Titan?

Q2. What are the different design courses mentioned by the speaker?

Q3. What inspired you in this Titan Talk?

You can learn more about PAVAN RAJURKAR, his work, his achievements, his love for Illustrations, Design and much more here



Hello Children, Today’s Activity (Parent Guidance) : Career with I. I am an Artist. I am Creative and Imaginative. I draw and create pictures for Books, Magazines, Novels, Newspapers, Advertisements, Websites, etc. I use both traditional and modern tools. [Questions based on NEP 2020 Framework]

Q1. What is the career?

Q2. What would you like the world to look like? Draw your imaginary world. Take a picture and post in the comment.

Q3. What is the moral of the story of rabbit and tortoise?

How to POST

Post answers and photos in comments


Hello Children, Today’s Activity (Parent Guidance): Name the ILLUSTRATOR

[Based on NEP2020 Vocational Education Integration]

Q1. Who is this ILLUSTRATOR?

Q2. What Award did she win?

How to POST

Post answers and photos in comments


Hello Children, Today’s Activity (Parent Guidance): Name the drawing tools

[Based on NEP2020 Vocational Education Integration]

Q1. Name any three Drawing Tools available in Adobe Illustrator.

Q2. What are the tools/Items you use at home to draw a picture?

Q3. What is your favourite Colour and why?

How to POST

Post answers and photos in comments


Hello Children, Today’s Activity (Parent Guidance): Types of Illustrations

[Based on NEP2020 Vocational Education Integration]

Q1. Mention any 3 traditional Illustration techniques.

Q2. Draw your favourite Imaginary Cartoon Character (Or any favourite

Cartoon Character). Take a picture. Post it.

How to POST

Post answers and photos in comments


Hello Children,

Today’s Activity (Parent Guidance): Find the Hidden Names

Step 1. Find the Hidden Names of 9 Common Drawing Tools from the Word Search.

Step 2. One is done for you (PASTEL). There are 9 Hidden Names left.

Step 3. Write as many hidden names you find, on a paper. (Hint: The background images)

Step 4. Write your name and your school name on the paper.

Step 5. Take a PHOTO and Post in the Comment.


Hello Children, Today’s Activity (Parent Guidance): Scientific Illustrations

[Based on NEP2020 Vocational Education Integration]

Q1. What is a Scientific Illustration?

Q2. Make an easy Scientific Illustration of any of your favourite science topic. Click a Picture. Post it. (Take help from your Science / EVS Textbook.)

How to POST

Post answers and photos in comments


Hello Children, Today’s Activity (Parent Guidance): Identify Me, Draw and Colour!

[Based on NEP2020 Vocational Education Integration]

Q.1. Identify the missing word in each row. Draw a picture of that missing word and complete the row.

Q 2. How do LEAVES look in AUTUMN? Draw an Autumn Leaf and Colour it.

How to POST

Post answers and photos in comments